
Following is part of a presentation script on Advertising and Marketing Communication:




At its simplest, marketing involves moving goods from the producer to the consumer.

It involves the selling of goods that don’t come back.

The 4 P’s of Marketing

Product      Price        Place        Promotion

The fourth P, promotion, has its own communication tools which are called the communications mix or the promotions mix.


The four essential elements of communications mix are:

1. Advertising: example

2. Sales Promotions: example

3. Personal Selling: example

4. Public Relations: example


1. Advertising

2. Selling

3. Sales Promotion

4. Direct Marketing

5. Publicity (and public relations)

6. Sponsorship

7. Exhibitions

8. Packaging

9. Point-of-sale and merchandising

10. Internet

11. Word-of-mouth

12. Corporate Identity


Communication can be defined as “a transactional process between two or more parties, whereby meaning is exchanged through the intentional use of symbols”.

Key points:

Communication is:

  • intentional
  • all the parties are involved in the process. It is not a       one-way process
  • it is symbolic (words, pictures, music, and other stimulants are used to convey meaning

For effective communication to take place:

The sender and the receiver of the message must share a common view of what the symbols actually mean.

The sender dresses up, or codes up the message, in a certain way using appropriate symbols (example: each TV advertisement is designed to convey some meaning). The message is then sent through a media to the receiver. If it gets through all the noise, the message is then decoded by the receiver (you see and understand the message). The receiver may decode the message correctly, or incorrectly, and may then give some feedback (change in behaviour, facial expression etc.).


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